When you got a 5273 KB file to flash yours Bios. I will share the solution that I used ... with a pen USB. Format pen usb let say /dev/sdb with a simple: mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 get FDOEM.144: wget http://www.fdos.org/bootdisks/autogen/FDOEM.144.gz and do: gunzip FDOEM.144.gz boot floppy FDOEM.144: qemu -hda /dev/sdb -fda FDOEM.144 -boot a qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=/home/sergio/hardware/freedos_boot/FDOEM.144,if=floppy -boot a -drive format=raw,file=/dev/sdb in qemu do: sys.com c: you also may need do: fdisk /mbr 1 (for this use odin ( http://odin.fdos.org/odin2005/odin1440.img ) instead FDOEM.144 ) copy command.com, autoexec.bat and config.sys from FDOEM.144 to C: and now you have a usb stick bootable with freedos and without space limit. Now you may leave qemu. You can check if everything is fine without reboot , using: qemu -hda /dev/sdb -boot c or qemu-system-x86_64 -drive format=raw,file=/dev/sdb Check if pen usb boots ! At the end, mount yours pen and copy yours files for bios update, shutdown linux and boot with usb pen. and good bios update. Update: qemu now is qemu-system-i386 if you got: qemu-system-i386: -hda /dev/sdb: could not open disk image /dev/sdb: No such file or directory you may need give permissions to normal user chmod o+rw /dev/sdb* (as root)