Create a bootable FreeDOS usb-stick Thursday, March 27. 2008 I needed to upgrade the bios of my Computer (Intel). But how to do it without windows? In my case, Intel has many options for bios upgrading and one is the plain old DOS method. This is the best and fastest way to upgrade your bios with linux. Create a FreeDOS based bootable usb-stick * Download a FreeDOS image, i'll use Balder for now. * Prepare the usb-stick o check partition (e.g cfdisk /dev/sda) o mkfs.msdos /dev/sda1 Commands qemu -boot a -fda balder10.img -hda /dev/sda A:\> sys c: A:\> xcopy /E /N a: c: Check with qemu -hda /dev/sda All GRML uses should also take a look at which provides a nice overview. That's it!