dnf install docker docker-compose podman /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G docker sergiomb cat /etc/group | grep sergiomb systemctl start docker user: git clone https://pagure.io/copr/copr.git cd copr/ docker-compose up -d after we need init database and add create the chroots docker exec -it copr_frontend_1 bash cat /usr/bin/init-database.sh #!/bin/bash cd /usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend/ && copr-frontend create-db --alembic alembic.ini copr-frontend create-chroot $(ls /etc/mock/{fedora--{i386,x86_64}.cfg,epel--x86_64.cfg} |xargs -I{} -n1 basename {} .cfg) and the problems start here the components of corp use corp rpms on https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/copr/copr/ and not the git source , so the fix on git aren't there @copr/copr Copr we need this commit https://pagure.io/copr/copr/c/0e1e9b20ad5d2a72e6368e353078cca0bea75dab?branch=main to init db Commit - copr/copr - 0e1e9b20ad5d2a72e6368e353078cca0bea75dab - Pagure.io copr / copr Clone Source Code GIT Documentation GIT Learn more about these different git repos. and we need this commit https://pagure.io/copr/copr/c/15726fc653461d8e0309602b70c4ad23984c0fff?branch=main to builder sign the packages (this one is docker configuration should be transparent) Commit - copr/copr - 15726fc653461d8e0309602b70c4ad23984c0fff - Pagure.io copr / copr Clone Source Code GIT Documentation GIT Learn more about these different git repos. copr-frontend create-chroot also have issues that I solved manually directly on database , after talk with copr guys , and is running smooth